As reporter he held several conferences:

  • "The band: Wind Orchestra of 2000" organized by the Corpo Musicale “La Casoratese” in CasorateSempione (Va)


  • The instruments of Wind Orchestra" organized by Corale “Giuseppe Verdi” in Lissone (MB) within review “In canto di luglio”


  •  "Wind Orchestra: evolution of staff and repertoire" organized by the Civic Library in Brugherio (MB) within review “A tu per tu con la musica”


  • "Youth Band: an International Experience" within review “Musica Viva! 2012 Banda giovanile… PARLIAMONE!” organized by Corpo Musicale S.Cecila di Triuggio (MB)


  • " Human voice: a wonderful instrument to speak and sing, which everybody has" organized by the Corale “Giuseppe Verdi” di Lissone (MB) within the cultural event “In canto di luglio”


  • "Roles and competences in a musical association" organized by ANBIMA Friuli Venezia Giulia


  • "Conductor in comparison"-Videoconference


  • "Wind and percussion instruments: great virtuosos"-Videoconference


  • "Let's learn to listen"-Videoconference


  • "Breathing dynamics"-Videoconference


  • "Conductor's score: a magic box to be discovered"-Videoconference

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